Woodland, CA, USA - In 2003 a survey conducted by the National Heartburn Association documented that fifty-four million Americans suffer heartburn at least twice a week. Among these sufferers, seventy-five percent stated that beverages like coffee elicited heartburn or other gut symptoms at a frequency which ranged from some of the time to every time they drank coffee. The Puroast(reg) Coffee Company estimates such consumers could represent up to 20% of the $20 billion US coffee market.
After receiving many responses from these sufferers that the symptoms, normally experienced when drinking coffee, were not evoked or only marginally so when they drank Puroast's(reg) Process Low Acid coffee, the Puroast(reg) Coffee Company undertook a structured questionnaire clinical trial which is ongoing.
The interim results from this study are very encouraging and seem to corroborate the responses from the customers who previously suffered gut symptoms but had those symptoms partially relieved or eliminated when they drank Puroast(reg) Process Low Acid coffee. This clinical trial was designed and is being conducted under the supervision of Arthur R. Euler, M.D, a gastroenterologist who specializes in the design and conduct of clinical studies. He has previously directed such studies that involved Zantac(reg), Protonix(reg), and SMA(reg).
Dr. Euler made the following comments when questioned about this clinical trial on August 10, 2004, "Intolerance of coffee is a major problem that often leads physicians to restrict or eliminate coffee along with citrus juices from the diets of patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Most often decaffeinated coffees also provoke symptoms in those patients who develop symptoms when drinking caffeinated coffee. It may be that the clinical trial being presently conducted by Puroast(reg) Coffee Company will show that such patients can enjoy coffee without developing these troublesome symptoms or at a much reduced level. I am eager to see that the final results of the trial".
The customers noted above who stated that Puroast(reg) Process Low Acid coffee provided partial or complete symptom relief also said that an additional reason for their liking Puroast(reg) coffee was its gourmet coffee flavor. It is believed that both of these effects are achieved because of Puroast(reg)'s breakthrough technology.
CEO Kerry Sachs developed the revolutionary process while living in the coffee regions of Venezuela. "Spending days at a time on remote coffee farms allowed me to share in the lifestyle of the growers", says Sachs. "I learned that their smooth tasting coffee was produced by a different roasting method. I thought it was an idea worth pursuing and, along with some local technicians, worked to engineer a system that could produce the coffee in commercial quantities".
Armed with the results of this study and following on the success of products like Minute Maid's Low Acid Orange Juice, the company is now in contact with several coffee industry leaders to commercialize the process through licensing, co-branding and contract roasting.
Jim Sachs
Puroast, Inc.
530-668-0976 Ext. 4
530-210-0330 Cell Phone
After receiving many responses from these sufferers that the symptoms, normally experienced when drinking coffee, were not evoked or only marginally so when they drank Puroast's(reg) Process Low Acid coffee, the Puroast(reg) Coffee Company undertook a structured questionnaire clinical trial which is ongoing.
The interim results from this study are very encouraging and seem to corroborate the responses from the customers who previously suffered gut symptoms but had those symptoms partially relieved or eliminated when they drank Puroast(reg) Process Low Acid coffee. This clinical trial was designed and is being conducted under the supervision of Arthur R. Euler, M.D, a gastroenterologist who specializes in the design and conduct of clinical studies. He has previously directed such studies that involved Zantac(reg), Protonix(reg), and SMA(reg).
Dr. Euler made the following comments when questioned about this clinical trial on August 10, 2004, "Intolerance of coffee is a major problem that often leads physicians to restrict or eliminate coffee along with citrus juices from the diets of patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Most often decaffeinated coffees also provoke symptoms in those patients who develop symptoms when drinking caffeinated coffee. It may be that the clinical trial being presently conducted by Puroast(reg) Coffee Company will show that such patients can enjoy coffee without developing these troublesome symptoms or at a much reduced level. I am eager to see that the final results of the trial".
The customers noted above who stated that Puroast(reg) Process Low Acid coffee provided partial or complete symptom relief also said that an additional reason for their liking Puroast(reg) coffee was its gourmet coffee flavor. It is believed that both of these effects are achieved because of Puroast(reg)'s breakthrough technology.
CEO Kerry Sachs developed the revolutionary process while living in the coffee regions of Venezuela. "Spending days at a time on remote coffee farms allowed me to share in the lifestyle of the growers", says Sachs. "I learned that their smooth tasting coffee was produced by a different roasting method. I thought it was an idea worth pursuing and, along with some local technicians, worked to engineer a system that could produce the coffee in commercial quantities".
Armed with the results of this study and following on the success of products like Minute Maid's Low Acid Orange Juice, the company is now in contact with several coffee industry leaders to commercialize the process through licensing, co-branding and contract roasting.
Jim Sachs
Puroast, Inc.
530-668-0976 Ext. 4
530-210-0330 Cell Phone
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